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Is Airbnb a furnished holiday let?

It is possible for an Airbnb property to be a furnished holiday let.

If you own a fully furnished property and let it out for short periods this would be known as a short term let or holiday let. It does not really matter how you obtain the bookings, Airbnb, etc, they are all acceptable. If you let it out permanently, to one tenant using an AST, then this is a buy to let.

Furnished holiday lettings enjoy some tax advantages over other types of lets but you have to comply with a few rules first.

The main ones are:

  • The property should be in the UK
  • Needs to be fully furnished
  • Available for let at least 210 days per year
  • Must be let for at least 105 days per year

Qualifying for FHL status can open up some attractive tax advantages.

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