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What does CCJ mean?

A CCJ, which stands for County Court Judgment, is a legal term used in the United Kingdom to refer to a court order issued against an individual or a business that has failed to repay a debt. It is a significant financial consequence that can affect one’s creditworthiness and ability to obtain credit in the future.

When a creditor believes that a debtor has not made the required payments on a debt, they can take legal action by filing a claim in the county court. The court then assesses the claim and, if satisfied, issues a judgment. This judgment states that the debtor owes a specific amount of money to the creditor.

Once a CCJ is issued, it becomes a matter of public record and is recorded in the Register of Judgments, Orders, and Fines. The CCJ information is also shared with credit reference agencies, which can have an impact on the debtor’s credit score and their ability to secure future credit, such as loans, mortgages, or credit cards.

It’s important to note that receiving a CCJ does not automatically mean that immediate enforcement action will be taken. However, the creditor has several options available to enforce the judgment and recover the debt. These options may include:

  1. Bailiffs: The creditor can instruct bailiffs to visit the debtor’s premises to seize and sell assets to cover the debt.
  2. Attachment of Earnings: If the debtor is employed, the court can order their employer to deduct money directly from their wages to repay the debt.
  3. Charging Order: The court can place a charge on the debtor’s property, which means that if the property is sold, the debt will be repaid from the proceeds.
  4. Third-Party Debt Order: The court can order money owed to the debtor by a third party, such as a bank or employer, to be redirected to the creditor to repay the debt.

It is essential to respond promptly to any CCJ claim and seek legal advice if necessary. If the debtor pays the outstanding debt in full within 30 days of receiving the judgment, they can apply to have the CCJ marked as “satisfied” on the Register of Judgments, Orders, and Fines, which can have a positive impact on their credit record.

To avoid a CCJ, it is crucial to communicate with creditors if you are facing financial difficulties and explore options such as negotiation, repayment plans, or seeking debt advice from organizations such as Citizens Advice or StepChange Debt Charity.

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