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What does completion mean?

Completion, in the context of moving home, refers to the final stage of the property purchase process when ownership of the property is legally transferred from the seller to the buyer. It is the point at which the buyer takes possession of the property and the agreed-upon purchase price is paid to the seller.

Completion is an important milestone that marks the successful conclusion of the property transaction.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what completion entails:

  • Exchange of Contracts: Prior to completion, the buyer and seller exchange signed contracts, which make the agreement legally binding. The completion date is usually set at the time of contract exchange.
  • Transfer of Funds: On the agreed completion date, the buyer’s solicitor transfers the funds required to purchase the property to the seller’s solicitor. This includes the purchase price, any outstanding fees, and other agreed-upon costs.
  • Handover of Keys: Once the funds have been received and verified by the seller’s solicitor, the seller hands over the keys to the property to the buyer. This signifies the buyer officially taking possession of the property.
  • Registration and Documentation: Following completion, the buyer’s solicitor is responsible for registering the change of ownership with the Land Registry. This ensures that the buyer’s details are recorded as the new legal owner of the property.
  • Payment of Fees and Taxes: As part of the completion process, the buyer’s solicitor settles any outstanding fees, taxes, or stamp duty related to the property purchase. This includes the payment of any applicable taxes or fees required by the government or local authorities.
  • Moving In: Once completion has taken place, the buyer is typically able to move into the property. This may involve arranging for the removal of belongings and making arrangements for utility connections, such as electricity, water, and internet services.

Completion is an important milestone as it signifies the successful conclusion of the property purchase. It is essential for both the buyer and seller to fulfill their obligations and ensure a smooth transfer of ownership. Professional solicitors or conveyancers play a crucial role in overseeing the completion process and ensuring that all necessary legal requirements are met.

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