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What does Exchange of Contracts mean?

The exchange of contracts is a crucial step in the process of buying or selling a property. It is the point at which both the buyer and the seller become legally bound by the terms of the contract.

Here’s what the exchange of contracts entails:

  1. Finalised Contract: Prior to the exchange of contracts, the buyer’s solicitor and the seller’s solicitor work on finalising the contract that sets out the terms and conditions of the property sale. This includes details such as the purchase price, completion date, any special conditions, and obligations of both parties.
  2. Signing and Exchange: Once both parties are satisfied with the terms of the contract, they proceed to sign identical copies of the contract. The signed contracts are then physically or electronically exchanged between the buyer’s solicitor and the seller’s solicitor.
  3. Binding Agreement: The exchange of contracts creates a legally binding agreement between the buyer and the seller. At this stage, both parties are committed to the transaction, and backing out or breaching the contract can have legal consequences.
  4. Deposit Payment: Upon exchange of contracts, the buyer is typically required to pay an exchange deposit, usually a percentage of the purchase price, to the seller’s solicitor. The deposit serves as a financial commitment and provides the seller with some assurance of the buyer’s intent to proceed with the purchase.
  5. Completion Date: The completion date is usually set at the time of contract exchange. It is the agreed-upon date when the remaining balance of the purchase price is paid, and the property’s ownership is transferred to the buyer.

It’s important to note that until the exchange of contracts occurs, either party can still withdraw from the transaction without legal consequences. However, once the contracts are exchanged, both parties are legally bound to complete the sale according to the agreed terms, subject to any applicable contingencies or conditions outlined in the contract.

The exchange of contracts is a significant milestone in the property purchase process, as it provides certainty and security to both the buyer and the seller.

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