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How to get SA302?

An SA302 is the result of the information submitted by you to HMRC on your yearly self-assessment tax return.

If you are self-employed or have several different streams of income it can be difficult to prove what you earn. The SA302 provides an easy to read summary of your income that is accepted by lenders as proof of your earnings.

But how do you get an SA302 to give to your lender?

Previously HMRC would send taxpayers their SA302 Tax Calculation in the post. Now these are no longer automatically posted out but are made available online to download or print out. You are able to access the last four years of Tax Calculations.

The simplest and quickest way to get your SA302 form is to download it from your HMRC online account.

If your accountant handles your tax returns then you should contact them for a copy. This will be available to them online, so you should get them back quite quickly.

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